Started in 2003, based in Chengdu,Sichuan, China.
Experienced in structure financing, project financing and cross-border tax structuring
Had a subsidiary was one of the earliest Chinese entities went to international infrastructure project markets, specialized in power generation projects outside China.
Installed total electrical generating capacity of 6,200MW, single unit capacity up to supercritical 660MW (coal firing)
Established through successful Engineering, Procurement and Construction (“EPC”) services, SFIC expanded to a broad range of up-stream businesses
Our way to make it work
Governments around world, one way or another, provide incentives for renewable energy
While major banks are shy from financing energy projects since the financial crisis, there are alternative funding sources, such as private equity, specialized banks and policy banks are still active in support renewable projects
However, we found out that all these funding are only for low risk taking debt financing, which have to follow creditworthy equity investors who could put down the high-risky equity funding
SFIC, together with its partners who prefer remaining anonymous, has been playing the role of equity investor
SFIC, with its long track record in executing complicated cross-border transactions, is trusted partner by all participants
SFIC, plays a focal role in identifying projects not only satisfying the equity investment requirements, including economic, technology, operations and maintenance, but also locate the suitable debt financing from various sources